Booking a Visit

You can book a visit by contacting the visitors’ centre by phone on
0161 925 7029/30
by text on
07786 206 001
This text must include all the information required to book a visit, such as visitors' names and addresses; time and date; and prisoner's name and number, and VO number. The prison will respond by text which can be used as a booking confirmation.
or by email:
The email must include all the information required to book a visit, such as visitors' names and addresses; time and date; and prisoner's name and number, and VO number.

The booking line is open Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm except bank holidays.

Maximum Number of Visitors
Up to 3 adults plus children can visit at any one time.  Due to seating restrictions children over the age of 14 are counted as adults.  Any person(s) under the age of 18 must be accompanied on a visit.
Telephone Booking
The booking lines can be quite busy so please be patient.  If the person you wish to visit has been convicted awaiting sentencing, sentenced or has pleaded guilty you should have your Visiting Order (VO) to hand as you will be required to give the VO reference number.  VO’s are posted out to you from the person you are visiting.  He will be allowed to send out 3 VO’s a month and they will have to be used within 28 days of being sent.  You will not have a VO if he is on remand. 

Visit Entitlements

Visit Entitlements for Remand Prisoners:

• BASIC Regime Prisoners

One visit each day for up to 30 minutes or one visit per week up to 90 minutes

• Standard Regime and Enhanced Prisoners

One visit each day for up to 30 minutes before 16.30 or one visit each day up to 1 hour after 16.30

One weekly visit for up to 2 hours from Tuesday to Friday between 13.00 and 16.30 or one weekly visit on Saturday or Sunday for up to 90 minutes

Visit Entitlements for Convicted Prisoners:

• BASIC Regime Prisoners

Two visits for up to 60 minutes every 28 days


• Standard Regime

One weekly visit for up to 2 hours to be completed by 15.30 or one weekly visit for up to 1 hour after 15.15


One visit on Saturday or Sunday for up to 1 hour.

• Enhanced Regime

As per Standard regime prisoners and an additional Visiting Order per month for a visit up to 1 hour. This visit must be after 14.00 Tuesday to Friday or between 13.00 and 15.30 Saturday or Sunday



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